French Media Triangle – Triangle des médias

If you’re here I’m sure you already know what a Media Triangle is used for, but for those who don’t it’s basically an easy way to have students read and analyze media forms and texts. The triangle prompts the children with questions to help them look at media from different angles and perspectives to help […]

Storage Wars Customizable Cross-Curricular EdTech Game #GAFE #HyperSlides

I’ve been busy working on a customizable GAFE cross-curricular game template that can be used by teachers across all levels and subjects. I wanted something that had a hook, was interesting and fun for my students yet still educational. I came up with Storage War$ (Enchères Surprise$ in French, yes there’s even a version française!). […]

How to add accents to Google Docs – no more copy & paste!

Still copying and pasting accents into Google Docs? No need, because there’s an Add-on for that!! I wanted to write a quick post to share an awesome time-saving tip with my fellow modern language teachers. After the positive and amazed reactions I got at my French Immersion school about this when I shared it with staff, […]